March 26, 2025

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Reeds Spring High School senior is best mechanic in her class

Reeds Spring High School senior is best mechanic in her class

Reeds Spring High School senior is best mechanic in her class

REEDS SPRING—As a little girl, FraLynn Fredrick-Patten longed to be in her grandpa’s garage, working alongside him as he fixed cars.

The now-senior at Reeds Spring High School loved hearing stories about the auto repair shop he opened after military service, and how the place became the go-to fix-it spot in the neighborhood.

“If something broke, you’d go to him. He used to have a pole truck he built himself and I have seen pictures and been like ‘That’s really cool,'” said FraLynn, 18.

She said her grandpa Marvin Fredrick, now retired and living near Cape Fair, invited her into the garage as soon as she was old enough. “He passed that knowledge down to my sister and I.”

He taught FraLynn the basics, including how to change oil and take off and put on tires. He showed her how to use different tools. “That helped to build the inspiration.”

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FraLynn Fredrick-Patten and her grandfather, Marvin Fredrick, in his garage in Cape Fair.

The more FraLynn learned about fixing cars, the more she wanted to know — from her grandpa and from others.

“I didn’t get to spend as much time in the shop with my grandfather as I would have liked to,” she said. “I really wanted to be able to work with him and have my own basis of knowledge, where I can take off on my own, because I’ve had an interest in automotive.”