March 26, 2025

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The 11 winter car accessories every driver is buying this season

The 11 winter car accessories every driver is buying this season

From winter floor mats to cat litter, these might just help you prepare for the cold season

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Having the right tools can certainly make every job easier, and winter driving is no exception. Between unpleasant road conditions and frigid temperatures (and everything else the winter season throws at you), being properly prepared with the right accessories can make a huge difference.


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In regards to winter accessories, Glen Peacock, General Manager of Woodchester Nissan and Woodchester Infiniti, gave us some insight into some customer trends for the cold season.

“Winter mats have become popular over the past 10 years, likely because of good advertising by WeatherTech and indoor displays at your favourite dealership or retail automotive section,” he said, adding that “about 30 per cent of customers routinely ask for winter mats to be included in their deal.”

Peacock also listed a few more popular accessories such as snow brushes (the previous year’s brush is likely to be broken, damaged, or lost), as well as remote starters and emergency kits, which make great presents this time of the year.


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Most recently, winter tires have seen an increase in sales, he said, possibly due to “Quebec mandating tires along with many insurance companies offering a discount on the policy if winter tires are installed. Public education of winter tire safety has also been a big factor to more and more people wanting winters on their vehicles.”

If you’ll be frequenting the roads in the wintery weather, Peacock suggests drivers consider an electric car heater, which he thinks could grow in popularity with the rising gas prices. “They use very little current, and you end up getting into a toasty warm vehicle. They can be hard wired in or plugged into the 12V outlet in the car,” he explained.


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To help with your winter accessory shopping list, we’ve rounded up some helpful items.

Winter floor mats and wiper blades

With snow, rain, slush, and salt being trudged in and out of your car, winter floor mats keep your car floor cleaner and drastically reduces the amount of moisture absorbed by the carpeting. The dealership should have a set for your vehicle, but there are also a handful of companies, such as WeatherTech , that make custom ones.

The winter blades are built stronger to help move snow off your windshield, compared to the traditional skeleton/metal frame wiper blade. Additionally, using a one-piece “beam” wiper blade can be a solution as they’re more durable and have a greatly reduced risk of freezing.


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Snow brush and ice scraper

Yes, it’s an obvious inclusion on this list but different sized vehicles need corresponding sized snow brushes. A standard, non-telescopic snow brush makes it easier to remove the snow off the roof from a subcompact car, as opposed to a mid-sized crossover. From tilting, extending, built-in ice scrapers, ergonomic handles, and more, there are many options for you to choose the snow brush that allows you to comfortably clear all the snow off your entire vehicle.

Most snow brushes have a built-in ice scraper, but in the event that it breaks while in use, it’s a good idea to have a backup standalone ice scraper to ensure maximum visibility.

Jumper cables and emergency kit

These are good to have at all times in your car, especially during winter when either you or a fellow motorist needs a boost. Yes, roadside assistance programs are helpful but you can be on your way sooner or provide a helping hand to someone who may not have it via jumper cables.


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Regardless of what kind of vehicle you’re driving, you should always be prepared with a smart emergency kit that includes a warm blanket, hand warmers, a flashlight, a torque water, non-perishable food, rain poncho, road flares, candles, waterproof matches, and a reflective vest.

First aid kit and basic tools

In addition to an emergency kit, you should have a first aid kit, though your specific supply list could get quite lengthy. At the very least, it should include basics such as bandaids, gauze, hand sanitizer, scissors, ibuprofen, tweezers, and rubbing alcohol, but don’t limit yourself to this list. If you’re not sure which kit to get, opt for a bigger one with more contents, just to be on the safe side.

Not all of us can be like MacGyver and fix things with a paper clip, piece of chewing gum, and a few drops of lemon juice. As such, having a basic tool kit on hand is always a good idea; aim to have a screwdriver, hammer, pliers, wrench, and wire cutters.


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Cat litter, a remote starter, and de-icer

If you need a bit of extra traction to get unstuck from snow/ice, good ol’ non-clumping cat litter is inexpensive and effective. (Also great if you’re travelling with cats.)

Most new vehicles have an option of a built-in remote starter, but for older or used cars, there are ones your local dealer can install. Before purchasing a remote starter, confirm that it is compatible with your car.

Whether it’s used on your windshield, door handles, doors, trunk, or windows, using brute force can likely lead to something breaking. Keep some de-icer in the car and save your hulk-like strength for opening the pickle jar at home.


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