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Community Calendar: Classic Car Show and Craft Sale; Second Annual Knights-day Fun Run/Walk; More

Community Calendar: Classic Car Show and Craft Sale; Second Annual Knights-day Fun Run/Walk; More

Submit Events for Community Calendar

To submit an event to be published in the Community Calendar, email reporter Isabel Vander Stoep at [email protected]. Please include information as well as a contact number.

Centralia Chehalis Vintage Auto Club’s 55th Harvest Swap Meet

Sept. 24 and 25 at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This swap meet will feature a selection of vintage autos for sale, car parts, manuals, antiques, collectibles, motorcycles, tractors and more.

Admission is $5, Children ages 12 and under free. Call 360-273-6961 for more information.


ARTrails of Southwest Washington Studio Tour

Sept. 25 and 26 at studios across Lewis County

The free ARTrails self-guided studio tour is back for the 19th time on the third and fourth weekends of September. Watch for ARTrails signs across Lewis County or visit for the list of participating studios.


Second Annual Knights-day Fun Run/Walk

Sept. 25 at Fort Borst Park, Centralia; registration opens 7:30 a.m., race begins at 9 a.m.; or register at

Registration for 5K or 1 mile can be done online or on race day for an extra $5. Pre-registration is $25 for 5K and $15 for 1 mile. Enter T-shirt sizes under “comments.” Proceeds go to the Special Olympics and KofC Scholarship Fund. There will be awards for the place finishers in each age category.


Kelly’s Kountry Kafe Classic Car Show and Craft Sale

Sept. 25 at 1411 U.S. Highway 12, Ethel; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Hot food, vendors, music and more. For more information, call 360-869-3388.


Movies by the Dashboard Light

Sept. 25 at Veterans Memorial Museum, 100 SW Veterans Way, Chehalis; 9 p.m.

The Veterans Memorial Museum shows car-themed films at this drive-in movie theater on the last Saturday of the month. First-come, first-served. Admission is by donation to the museum.  Popcorn, drinks and food available. For more information, call 360-740-8875.


Lewis Conservation District Nature Walk

Just past the intersection of Jeffries Road and Glenview Lane in Chehalis

All are invited to this exploration of the completed Wisner Creek restoration project. The tour will run every 30 minutes. The trail includes a stream crossing, so attendees should wear appropriate footwear. For more information, call 360-996-4560.


Adna Fall Festival

Oct. 1 and 2 at Adna Floral, 132 B Bunker Creek Road, Chehalis; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days

This is the seventh annual rendition of this fall-themed vendor festival. The event will be held outside. Shoppers can expect to find pumpkins and gourds, farmhouse decor, jewelry, kettle corn, repurposed furniture, handmade items and much more. Admission and parking are free.


Country Chicks Market

Oct. 1 and 2 at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday

Country Chicks is the premier market for savvy shoppers who love country-chic style, vintage, up-cycled or handcrafted decor and clothing.

Entrance is $6 or $5 with a canned food donation. Free parking. Attendees under 16 enter for free.


Onalaska Apple Harvest 2021

Oct. 1, 2 and 3 throughout Onalaksa

Live entertainment, apple pie eating contests, vendors and booths, a parade, quilt show, cornhole tournament and much more make this fruit-focused festival a highlight in Onalaska. For more information, visit


Apple Fun 5K Run/Walk

Oct. 2 at Carlisle Lake, Onalaska; registration opens 7:30 a.m., race at 9 a.m.

Races start at the historical smoke stack at Carlisle Lake, virtual participation is also an option. The first 100 in-person or local participants will receive a custom item with a logo on it and all participants will be entered to win valuable prizes after the race(s). Virtual participants will receive a different item, which will be mailed. For more information, registration and prices email [email protected]. To read about the rest of the Apple Harvest events go to


Girls Night Out

Oct. 2 in downtown Centralia

Start at The Station Coffee Bar, pay $5 to get a list of participating businesses. Visit every stop on the list to see specials and earn a chance to win a drawing for one of the downtown business gift baskets. For an additional amount, purchase a limited edition Girls Night Out tote. Masks are required. A portion of funds raised will go to Hope Alliance, and donations can be made. For more information, call 360-736-4333.


Oct. 8 at McFilers, 543 NW Pacific Ave., Chehalis; 8 p.m.

Nashville-based singer/songwriter Joesph Hunter Duncan will play with local support from The Driftwood Walkers. There is a $5 cover. All ages allowed. For more information on Duncan, visit


‘Gardening for Everyone’ Classes

Oct. 9 at Centralia Christian School, 1315 S. Tower Ave., Centralia; 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Free gardening classes will be taught by the WSU Lewis County Master Gardeners including backyard composting, native plant gardening, pruning and much more. No pre-registration required. For more information call 360-740-1216 or email [email protected].


Train Show and Swap Meet

Oct. 9 and 10 at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Lewis County Model Railroad Club’s show and swap meet will host over 160 tables of vendors representing all scales and interests of model railroading, according to the club’s Facebook. For more information, email [email protected].


Lewis County Cemetery District #1 Monthly Meeting

Oct. 13 at the cemetery office, 407 Cowlitz Road, Winlock; 7 p.m.

These meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month.


Pyrex Swap Meet

Oct. 16 at the Adna Grange, 123 Dieckman Road, Chehalis; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Sell or buy used Pyrex of all sorts. There is no entry fee for swap meet buyers, sellers pay $9 for a table.


Pumpkin Train Rides

Oct. 16, 17, 23 and 24 at 1101 SW Sylvenus St.; 12 and 1:30 p.m.

Pumpkin train rides cost $16 per person, ages 2 and under ride free. Warm costumes encouraged, masks required. Ages 15 and under receive a pumpkin and can participate in a costume contest. Indoor and outdoor seating available. To reserve tickets in advance, visit


Ryderwood’s Fall Arts and Crafts Fair

Oct. 22 and 23, at Community Hall, 305 Morse St.; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Up to 30 vendors will participate in this annual arts and crafts fair.


Movies by the Dashboard Light — Rocky Horror Picture Show

Oct. 30 at Veterans Memorial Museum, 100 SW Veterans Way, Chehalis; 9 p.m.

The Veterans Memorial Museum shows car-themed films at this drive-in movie theater on the last Saturday of the month. First-come, first-served. Admission is by donation to the museum.  Popcorn, drinks and food available. For more information, call 360-740-8875.


Trunk or Treat

Oct. 31 at the Napavine Fire District 5 station; 6 to 8 p.m.

Sponsored by the Napavine Police Department and City Hall, Napavine Fire District 5 and Let’s Play Something.


Lewis County Cemetery District #1 Monthly Meeting

Nov. 10 at the cemetery office, 407 Cowlitz Road, Winlock; 7 p.m.

These meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month.


Crafty Creations Craft Fair

Nov. 20 and 21 at the Newaukum Grange, 104 Brown Road E., Chehalis; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday

Vendors will sell handmade candles, jewelry, knitted or crocheted items, glass works, clothing and more. There will be cookies, coffee and soda for vendors and guests.